What's So Cool About Manufacturing? Video Contest
Good morning,
If you have a spare moment today, please click on the link below and vote for WVW to support our team competing for the Viewer's Choice Award. Thanks!
Just go to https://www.whatssocool.org/contests/northeast-pa/
Scroll to WVW's video and click vote. (You don't actually have to watch it. Just vote!)
Refresh the screen (F5 on your keyboard) and vote again!
You can vote as many times as you like, there is NO limit. BUT, you must refresh the screen in between each vote to count.
What's So Cool About Manufacturing? Video Contest
Voting Begins on Wednesday, April 8 - April 10, 2020
Over the past four months Northeast Regional students from middle schools around the area visited manufacturing locations to create videos answering the question: "What's So Cool About Manufacturing?"
Voting opened at 12:01 am Wednesday, April 8th
• You can vote as often as you like until Friday, April 10th at 11:59 pm.
• The voting buttons are available without watching the videos countless times.
• The videos are on a carousel that moves each time you vote and load the page.
• Voting will determine the Viewers Choice award winner.
Spread the word!
- Forward this email to friends and family. This includes out of our region!
Thanks for your support and stay safe!