• EnglishHS

    Mr. Thomas Griffith ~ Department Chairperson
    Mrs. Lynn Anderson
    Mrs Erica Berrettini
    Mrs. Sarah Bozinko
    Mrs. Kristen Kaminski
    Miss Mallory Lewis
    Mr. Daniel Messinger
    Mrs Desiree Munzing
    Miss Katherine Olshefski
    Mrs. Krisa Piazza
    Mr. John Sharkus
    Mr. David Sieminski
    Mrs. Karin Ulitchney
    Miss Mary Alice Umphred


  • English Summer Reading for AP and Honors Courses

    Summer reading lists and required assignment information is available for students planning to enroll intoWVW High School Honors English courses. Please click the link below to access the Summer Reading requirements by course.

    AP English
    English 11 Honors updated 5/2015
    English 10 Honors updated 5/2015
    English 9 Honors

    Students may contact the teachers of the courses or the Department Chair, …

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  • CDT Preparation for Keystones

    All Sophomore and Junior students will participate in CDT in preparation for the Keystone Exams. Students will complete online testing as part of their English course in order to assess individual skill levels.

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  • English Keystone Exams

    All Sophomore and Junior students will take the Pa Keystone Exam during the 2012-13 school year. The exam is scheduled to be administered between May 13th and May 24th. Resource materials will be provided through links and as part of regular class curriculum.

    Junior students enrolled in the American Authors course will take the Keystone Exam during the January test window.

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