Special Education Policy
The district shall offer each student with a disability education programs and services that appropriately meet the student's needs for educational, instructional, transitional and related services. A student who requires special education shall receive programs and services according to an individualized education program (IEP). The IEP shall provide access to the district's general curriculum and participation in state and local assessments, including supplemental aids and services that permit the student to be educated, to the maximum extent appropriate, with their non-disabled peers. The district shall provide a continuum of placement options to appropriately meet the needs of students with disabilities.
Students with disabilities - school-aged children within the jurisdiction of the district who have been evaluated and found to have one or more disabilities as defined by law, and who require, because of such disabilities, special education and related services. School-aged children who have identified disabilities but do not require special education may be entitled to accommodations or services or to enroll in courses of study in the district which serve students with disabilities pursuant to other law or Board policy.
PDF Versions of Special Education Policies:
Full Special Education Policy
Discipline of Students with Disabilities Policy
Behavior Support Policy
Screening and Evaluations for Students Disabilities Policy
Special Education Change of Age of Eligibility