PROSPER Partnerships
PROSPER teaches skills and attitudes that foster improved family life and parent-child communication and provides students with skills for planning, problem-solving, and peer pressure behaviors.
Helping our children, families and community be the best they can be.
PROSPER (PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience) is a model for bringing evidence-based prevention programs to schools and communities with the goal of strengthening families, building youth skills, and reducing youth substance use as well as other problem behaviors.
The PROSPER prevention programs are led by the WVW PROSPER community team. The team consists of representatives from Penn State Extension, Wyoming Valley West School District, community service agencies (Children and Youth, Wyoming Valley Drug and Alcohol and the United Way of Wyoming Valley), parents and youth.
The WVW PROSPER team offers a menu of proven evidence-based programs. We implement the Strengthening Families Program: for Parents and Youth 10-14 for all 5th and 6th grade families and All Stars for all 7th grade WVW students.
For more information, please contact Caroline Novrocki, Penn State Extension at 570.825.1701 or cle110@psu.edu
Web links
National PROSPER:
Penn State Extension Pennsylvania PROSPER:
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