• Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14


    The transition to Middle School can be a challenge: a new and bigger school, new friends, the lunchroom and lockers.  When children experience these stresses in addition to developmentally “growing up”, a parent’s support and guidance can make a big, positive difference.  Help your child not only survive but thrive!

    The Strengthening Families Program: for Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP: 10-14) is a FREE seven session family skill building program for youth ages 10-14 and their parents/caregivers aimed to help with this transition.

    SFP: 10-14 is designed to:

    • help parents learn nurturing skills that support their children;
    • teach parents how to effectively discipline and guide their youth;
    • give youth a healthy future orientation and an increased appreciation of their parents; and
    • teach youth skills for dealing with stress and peer pressure.

    Here’s how the program works.  At 5:30 p.m., families meet in the cafeteria for a family meal.  From 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. parents and youth meet in separate areas working on topics such as Love and Limits, Using Consequences, Reaching Goals, Protecting against Substance Abuse, Handling Peer Pressure and Family Communication.  From 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., parents and youth meet together as a family and complete projects and activities. Each of the seven weekly sessions includes a FREE meal prior to the two-hour session and FREE childcare is provided for younger children.

    The program runs each fall and spring.  Every 5th and 6th grade family in encouraged to attend and support their child’s transition from elementary to middle school.  To register or for more information, please contact Caroline Novrocki, Penn State Extension at 570.825.1701/ cle110@psu.edu or the WVW 6th grade guidance counselor.